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'Fortnite' players are going savage on every Tesla Cybertruck they encounter

Garth Gator

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Fortnite’s virtual battlegrounds have become the arena for a peculiar conflict: Tesla Cybertrucks versus the rest of the gaming world. Players, united by a shared disdain for Elon Musk’s polygonal electric vehicle, have vowed to obliterate any Cybertruck they encounter.


Epic Games, the studio behind the Battle Royale title, recently introduced the sci-fi-esque pickup truck as part of an in-game promotion.




Players who complete a series of challenges via the Summer Road Trip quest before August 6 can unlock the Cybertruck for their virtual garages. Alongside this rugged vehicle, they receive a Green Day Jam Track, Back Bling, wheels, and even a cosmetic decal featuring a broken window—a nod to the infamous Cybertruck window-shattering incident during its real-world unveiling.



On the front lines, however, it’s “destroy on sight,” with the Cybertruck currently facing relentless aggression within the game. Apparently, there’s an unspoken rule that players who spot the vehicle forget their differences for a while and band together to take it  down, whether they’re allies or foes.



It’s a digital demolition derby, and the Cybertruck is the bullseye.







Images: Fortnite [1], [2]

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