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Gran Turismo 7 update 1.49 unleashes unintended flying car bug, creating hilarious online chaos


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In a bizarre twist that has sent the gaming world into a frenzy, Gran Turismo 7's latest update, 1.49, has inadvertently transformed ordinary race cars into gravity-defying projectiles.


Released on July 25, 2024, the update aimed to enhance the driving experience by refining car physics. It promised exciting additions including a new race track, six fresh vehicles, and improved tire handling. The core focus of this update was a redesigned physics engine to create more realistic car behavior.

However, instead of smoother, more realistic driving, players found themselves finding their vehicles launching themselves into the stratosphere, much to their astonishment and amusement.

This hilarious glitch, while causing some frustration for players encountering crashes, has become an internet sensation, with countless clips circulating online showcasing cars defying the laws of physics and reaching dizzying heights. While the issue has caused frustration for some players experiencing in-game crashes, the sheer absurdity of the situation has proven to be a goldmine for comedic content.


Polyphony Digital, the developer behind Gran Turismo 7, has confirmed that they are aware of the issue and are working to resolve it.

This unexpected turn of events serves as a lighthearted reminder that even in the world of meticulously crafted racing simulators, sometimes the most memorable moments come from the unexpected. So, get ready, Gran Turismo 7 players—you might just be in for a wild ride before the patch arrives.



Image: Image: Polyphony Digital/Sony Interactive Entertainment

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