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Sinead O’Connor wax figure removed following public outrage on anniversary of her death

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The unveiling of a waxwork depicting iconic Irish singer Sinead O'Connor at Dublin's National Wax Museum on July 26th, 2024, the first anniversary of her tragic passing, sparked widespread outrage. 


Intended as a fitting tribute to the late artist, the figure instead became a focal point of public criticism. Many felt the waxwork was a poor representation of O'Connor, and its placement next to Star Wars characters was seen as particularly jarring.

Social media expressed disappointment, with users comparing the figure to everything from a Thunderbird puppet to a discarded mannequin. The backlash was swift and severe, highlighting the importance of accurate and respectful representations in the public eye.


In response to the backlash, the museum’s director, Paddy Dunning, a long-time close friend of Sinead O’Connor, met with the team and decided that they could do better. Acknowledging the public’s feedback, they agreed that the figure did not meet their high standards or the expectations of Sinead’s devoted fans.


The museum has since pulled the waxwork and promised to launch a new project to create a more accurate representation of the singer. This decision reflects their commitment to honoring Sinead O’Connor’s extraordinary impact and legacy.


This incident serves as a stark reminder of the need for careful consideration when creating public representations of beloved figures. Similar to the widely mocked Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson wax figure unveiled in Paris last year, the O’Connor case underscores the potential pitfalls of such ventures when they fall short of expectations.


As the museum works to rectify the situation, the public will be watching closely to see if they can deliver a waxwork worthy of Sinead O’Connor’s enduring legacy.



Image: Fabio Diena | Dreamstime.com


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