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DC rotates back to legacy 'bullet' logo designed by Milton Glaser after retiring it almost two decades ago

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In a move that has stirred the hearts of comic enthusiasts worldwide, DC Studios has unveiled its ‘new’ logo, a revival of the classic ‘DC bullet’ emblem. This iconic symbol, originally crafted by the late graphic design legend Milton Glaser, was stamped on the covers of DC publications from 1977 to 2005.


The logo’s reintroduction is a nod to DC’s illustrious past, while also signaling the dawn of a fresh chapter for the entertainment company. The ‘DC bullet’ is more than just a logo; it’s a symbol that encapsulates the rich history and cultural impact of DC. It was during its tenure that DC experienced a renaissance with groundbreaking works like Watchmen and Dark Knight Returns.


DC’s decision to bring back the Glaser logo is not merely about aesthetics; it’s about reconnecting with its roots and the values that have defined the brand. The logo will start showing up on comics and merchandise come October onwards. It will also be applied in unison across DC Studios' film and television projects.



The unveiling of the logo at San Diego Comic-Con was met with widespread approval. James Gunn, co-head of DC Studios, expressed his excitement about the logo’s return on social media. The logo’s comeback is seen as a strategic move by the new regime at DC Studios, led by James Gunn and Peter Safran, to emphasize tradition and harken back to the golden age of DC.


Will this nostalgic move resonate with the new generation of DC fans? We invite you to share your thoughts on this exciting development.




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Image: Creative Stock | Dreamstime.com

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