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'Iron Man' Robert Downey Jr to don new mask as 'Doctor Doom' in Marvel Cinematic Universe

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Robert Downey Jr., the actor synonymous with Iron Man, is set to don a new mask in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The actor surprised fans at Comic-Con with the announcement of his return as the iconic villain, Doctor Doom. This unexpected casting has left fans and critics alike pondering the connection between Iron Man and Doctor Doom.


Downey’s portrayal of Iron Man, which began in 2008, has been a cornerstone of the MCU. His character’s demise in 2019’s Avengers: Endgame was thought to be his final bow. However, the recent revelation has rekindled excitement among Marvel enthusiasts. The actor’s new role was unveiled to thunderous applause at a Marvel panel, where he declared, "New mask, same task".



The choice to cast Downey as Doctor Doom is intriguing, given the shared history between Iron Man and Doctor Doom in the comic book universe. Their rivalry took shape in a 1981 storyline called Doomquest, where both Tony Stark and Victor von Doom are dragged back in time to the court of King Arthur. This casting decision suggests that the MCU might explore this relationship further.


The upcoming Avengers film, now officially titled Avengers: Doomsday, is set for release in May 2026. The film will be directed by Joe and Anthony Russo, who previously helmed Avengers: Endgame. The directors confirmed Downey’s return, sparking speculation about the storyline and how Downey’s Doctor Doom will fit into it.




How will Downey’s portrayal of Doctor Doom differ from his iconic role as Iron Man? And more importantly, how will this casting decision impact the dynamics of the MCU? Share your thoughts below!



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Image: Mihail Ivanov, Featureflash, Phillip Maguire | Dreamstime.com

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