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Tesla cautions against 'wet towel' charging hack made popular online

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Tesla has issued a stern warning to its owners against a questionable trend involving the use of wet towels to supposedly expedite the Supercharging process. While some users have claimed noticeable speed increases, the automaker emphatically asserts that this practice is not only ineffective but also poses a serious safety risk.


The crux of the issue lies in the car’s thermal management system. Supercharging generates substantial heat, and the system is calibrated to prevent overheating and damage. By introducing a wet towel, drivers inadvertently interfere with the temperature sensors, potentially leading to dangerously high temperatures within the charging components. Tesla underscores that bypassing safety protocols in pursuit of faster charging times is unacceptable and could result in costly repairs or, worse, hazardous incidents.



The company is urging its community to prioritize safety over shortcuts, emphasizing that its engineers have optimized the Supercharging process for both speed and safety, and any attempts to circumvent these measures are futile and potentially harmful.






Image: Arinahabich08 | Dreamstime.com

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