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Photo credit: Sina Schuldt/dpa/Alamy Live News [1], [2]


The Paris 2024 Olympics has produced more than just gold medalists; it has birthed a new wave of internet stardom. At the heart of this phenomenon are South Korean pistol shooter Kim Ye-ji and Turkish counterpart Yusuf Dikeç, whose captivating personas have inspired a legion of fans to transform them into anime and manga characters.


South Korea’s Kim Ye-Ji, now hailed as the country’s “sci-fi assassin,” clinched silver in the women’s 10-meter air pistol final. Her striking appearance, characterized by futuristic eyewear and a cool demeanor, has drawn comparisons to iconic anime protagonists.



Turkish shooter Yusuf Dikec, fresh from winning silver in the mixed team 10-meter air pistol event, became an overnight sensation with his nonchalant approach to competition. Turkey’s “John Wick” stood out with his everyday glasses (eschewing special lenses), a team T-shirt, and boldly shot with both eyes open, one hand in pocket. This was in contrast with most athletes, who would either close one eye or obscure their vision, as well as put on specialized headphones or hats.



The internet has been ablaze with fan art showcasing these athletes in a variety of anime and manga aesthetics, from the sleek lines of cyberpunk to the dynamic action sequences of shonen.


What an epic crossover between sports, art, and pop culture!






Opening image: Sina Schuldt/dpa/Alamy Live News [1], [2]

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