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KFC crafts special, multipurpose chicken buckets for mothers in Thailand


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KFC Thailand has cooked up a special bucketload of love for its 40th anniversary as well as Mother’s Day, which falls on August 12 in the country. The fast-food giant has unveiled the KFC Bucket Ware, a limited-edition food storage container that’s as practical as it is nostalgic.


Leaning into moms’ love of food storage containers, the brand, along with Wunderman Thompson Thailand, has teamed up with Thai brand Super Lock to put a crisp spin on this household staple. The result? A large, microwave-safe, freezer-friendly version of its iconic fried chicken bucket.




KFC envisions the Bucket Ware as a versatile kitchen companion. It’s not just for storing leftovers; it can also be used to heat up your favorite fried chicken, or even hold cutlery or remote controls—the ultimate multitasker.






To snag one of these coveted containers, customers in Thailand will need to spend at least 350 Thai baht on a single order at participating KFC branches and download the KFC app.









Images: Park Wannasiri / Wunderman Thompson

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