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'Rick and Morty: The Anime' releases early clips—prepare to get schwifty!

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Strap in, Rick and Morty fans—it’s time to get schwifty with a new dimension of interdimensional mayhem. The beloved duo are about to animate their way onto our screens in English and Japanese, proving that their adventures are truly universal.


Adult Swim has unveiled tantalizing glimpses of Rick and Morty: The Anime, set to debut on August 15, 2024. This 10-episode series, helmed by creator Takashi Sano, promises to infuse the zany multiverse with a distinctly Japanese anime flavor.


While the core concept remains intact—following the escapades of eccentric scientist Rick Sanchez and his hapless grandson Morty Smith—this adaptation layers on a fresh aesthetic and narrative approach. Fans can expect to traverse uncharted territories and face novel challenges alongside their favorite characters.




Early previews showcase not only the titular pair but also multiple Jerry variants and the enigmatic Mr. Nimbus. Catch them below.






The production is a collaborative effort between Studio Deen, Sola Entertainment, and Telecom Animation Film, suggesting a blend of artistic styles and storytelling techniques. 


English-speaking audiences will get first dibs on the premiere, with the Japanese version following two days later on August 17. For those who prefer to binge, each English episode will be available for streaming on Max or digital purchase the day after its Adult Swim debut.




Voice talent for the series includes familiar faces—or rather, voices. Yōhei Tadano and Keisuke Chiba reprise their roles as Rick and Morty from the Japanese dub of the original series. Meanwhile, the English cast features Joe Daniels pulling double duty as both Rick and Jerry Smith, with Gabriel Regojo stepping into Morty’s shoes.



Screenshots: Adult Swim

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