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Netflix and Wit Studio’s latest voyage into anime adaptation has hit some choppy waters, leaving fans feeling more than a little “usopped” about the new character designs for a remake of their beloved One Piece series, called The One Piece.


The One Piece crew recently unveiled concept art for the upcoming series, but instead of treasure, it’s unearthed a storm of criticism. At the heart of the tempest lies the portrayal of Usopp, the Straw Hat Pirates’ sharp-shooting storyteller. Fans have noticed that the character, known for his darker complexion in Eiichiro Oda’s original manga and anime, appears to have been given a significant lightening treatment in the new designs.







This alteration has reignited a fierce debate about representation and whitewashing in anime adaptations. Usopp, celebrated for his quick wit and eventual bravery, has long been a fan favorite and has African heritage, confirmed by Oda himself.



Social media platforms have become the deck for fans to voice their disappointment and frustration.




It’s not just Usopp facing scrutiny, either. Fellow crew member Nico Robin has also received a post-time skip redesign that’s raised some eyebrows.



As reported by IGN, in Oda's 56th Shitsumon wo Boshu Suru (SBS) Q&A column, the creator revealed the real-world nationalities of his characters. Monkey D. Luffy hails from Brazil, Roronoa Zoro claims Japanese heritage, and Usopp is explicitly stated to be of African descent. While these details aren’t canon within the One Piece universe, they’ve informed fans’ understanding of the characters and were reflected in the casting of the live-action adaptation.







Images: Usataro | Dreamstime.com, ONE PIECE Official - ENG

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