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Cartoon piracy giant KimCartoon abruptly shuts down: 'Thank you for all your support'

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KimCartoon, a leading site in the world of pirated cartoons and anime, has thrown in the towel. After years of dodging legal bullets over copyright infringements, the platform has finally met its match.


Visitors to KimCartoon, which had been pulling in over 100 million page visits annually, were greeted with a brief farewell message: “The site is closed for good due to DMCA. Thank you for all your support over the time!”


For many cartoon fans, this marks the end of an era, as the site had become a staple for those looking to stream popular animated shows and anime series without paying for them. Now, its dedicated user base is left picking up the pieces and mourning the loss.


KimCartoon had long operated in a gray area, offering a vast library of pirated content despite numerous legal battles, including blocking orders from Indian courts and subpoenas aimed at revealing its operators. The site managed to stay online by frequently switching domains, but the pressure from copyright holders proved too much in the end.


The site’s demise is not an isolated incident but part of a wider effort to combat online piracy. Recent global operations have targeted similar platforms, resulting in the closure of several high-traffic sites similar to KimCartoon.





Image: Sharaf Maksumov | Dreamstime.com

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