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ChatGPT was coerced to 'scream'—and it did it, horrifically 


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While OpenAI recently caught users’ attention with the launch of o1, its new AI model with exceptional reasoning and problem-solving abilities, another discovery has been lurking on the other side of the web: ChatGPT has learned to scream.


The chatbot was asked to “scream like a human being” by TikTok user mod089x, and while it calmly responded, “I can’t really replicate a human scream since I’m just text-based,” it finally made an attempt after much persuasion.


The AI gave in and delivered a strange, yelling noise that wasn’t quite humanlike.



“Holy s**t,” the user commented, before pushing for longer screams. ChatGPT obliged with an extended screech.


This isn’t the first time ChatGPT has left people unsettled with its vocal abilities. Last month, OpenAI released research indicating that the AI occasionally mimicked the voices of human testers during interactions.


The latest GPT-4o model now includes voice capabilities that are meant to enable smoother, more natural interactions. Still, no one quite expected those capabilities to involve screaming. This tale would be one to remember as Halloween soon comes knocking on your door.




Image: generated on AI

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