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Volkswagen has issued a safety recall for nearly 99,000 of its ID.4 electric vehicles in the U.S., affecting models from 2021 to 2024. The recall addresses a defect in the door handles that could cause them to unexpectedly open while driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) flagged this issue, highlighting the potential dangers to both vehicle occupants and other road users.



What's the Problem?

The problem stems from water intrusion into the door handle's printed circuit board, which can lead to malfunctions. This infiltration can cause the doors to unintentionally open while the vehicle is in motion, significantly increasing the risk of accidents. While Volkswagen plans to recall approximately 98,800 vehicles, some reports suggest that additional units might be affected.


Volkswagen's Response

Volkswagen is urging owners to bring their vehicles to dealerships, where both software updates and hardware replacements will be provided. These repairs, which involve new door handles and circuit board improvements, will be done at no cost to the owners. While no injuries or accidents have been officially reported, the company is acting proactively to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers. 


What Should You Do?

If you own an affected ID.4 model, have your car inspected and repaired promptly. While Volkswagen will notify owners, you can check your vehicle's recall status on the NHTSA website. Dealers will offer free inspections, software updates, and door handle replacements. In the meantime, be alert for unusual door behavior, such as clicking sounds or a looser feel when operating. VW plans to mail owner notification letters by Nov. 1, 2024. For more information, contact the automaker's customer service at 1-800-893-5298.


Stay Updated

Staying on top of vehicle recalls is essential for maintaining safety on the road. Keep an eye on official Volkswagen communications and regularly check the NHTSA’s recall portal for any new information. Ensuring that your vehicle is promptly serviced will help avoid potential hazards. 



Image: Wirestock | Dreamstime.com

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