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Ireland reclaims Halloween by inviting the world to discover its spooky origins in new tourism campaign


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Ireland-Halloween.pngTourism Ireland


Ireland, the birthplace of Halloween (did you know this?), is reclaiming its heritage through an enchanting campaign by Tourism Ireland. This initiative invites visitors worldwide to explore the ancient roots of this beloved festival, which stretches back over two millennia to the Celtic celebration of Samhain.


The story of Halloween begins with Samhain, a Celtic festival marking the transition from harvest to winter. During this time, it was believed that the “veil between the living and the dead was at its thinnest”, allowing spirits to cross over. To protect themselves, the Celts lit bonfires and donned costumes, practices that have evolved into modern Halloween traditions.


Tourism Ireland’s innovative campaign, crafted by Publicis London, brings these ancient customs to life. The campaign features a mesmerizing 60-second film directed by Leonn Ward and produced by Irish agency Tiny Ark. Shot in evocative black-and-white on 16mm film, it transports viewers to Ireland’s mystical landscapes, from shadowy forests to neolithic tombs and rugged cliffs. Viewers can witness traditional Halloween rituals, including carving turnip lanterns and costumed villagers gathering for a bonfire festival.


“Halloween is one of the world’s favorite festivals, but not everyone knows that it originated here in Celtic culture around 2,000 years ago,”  says Alice Mansergh, Chief Executive of Tourism Ireland. Recognizing the significance of this Irish heritage, the campaign aims to reconnect Halloween with its origins. By partnering with scholars and experts, the initiative traces the festival’s 2,000-year evolution, intertwining Ireland’s breathtaking landscapes, captivating storytelling traditions, and rich cultural tapestry to craft an immersive experience exclusive to the Emerald Isle.


Visitors can partake in various Halloween events across Ireland. The Derry Halloween Festival, Europe’s largest, offers vibrant parades, fireworks, and eerie tours. Dublin’s Bram Stoker Festival pays tribute to the creator of Dracula with gothic-themed activities. In County Meath, the PĂșca Festival celebrates Irish folklore with music, myth, and local cuisine.



With Halloween just around the corner, why not trace the holiday back to its roots? Imagine yourself wandering through misty Irish forests, exploring ancient Celtic sites, and joining in festivities that have been celebrated for thousands of years. This might be your chance to discover the true spirit of Halloween in its homeland. 



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