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'Parasite' filmmaker Bong Joon-ho debuts trailer for sci-fi film 'Mickey 17' starring Robert Pattinson

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Bong Joon-ho’s Mickey 17 has finally dropped its highly anticipated trailer, offering a first look at the director’s latest sci-fi adventure since the Oscar-winning Parasite. Based on Edward Ashton’s novel Mickey7, the film stars Robert Pattinson as Mickey Barnes, an expendable employee on a mission to colonize the icy planet Niflheim.


When one version of Mickey dies, a clone is created to replace him, retaining most of his memories. This cycle of death and rebirth takes a dramatic turn when Mickey 17, one of his iterations, survives a mission that was supposed to be fatal. This unexpected survival sets the stage for a confrontation with Mickey 18, his next iteration, leading to a gripping tale of self-discovery and existential conflict.


Joining Pattinson on this icy adventure are Naomi Ackie, Steven Yeun, Toni Collette, and Mark Ruffalo. With a budget of $150 million, this US-South Korean co-production has spared no expense in bringing Ashton’s 2022 novel Mickey7 to the big screen.


The road to Mickey 17 hasn't been without its bumps. Hollywood strikes and scheduling conflicts threatened to put the project on ice, but these delays may have been a blessing in disguise. The extra time has allowed for additional polishing, potentially resulting in a more refined final product. The film is set for release on January 31, 2025.





Image: Warner Bros Pictures

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