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Apple has made the iPhone 16 lineup easier to repair than its previous models


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Apple is finally addressing one of the most persistent complaints from its customers: iPhone repairability. With the latest iPhone 16 series, the tech giant has made significant strides toward making its devices easier and cheaper to fix.


One of the standout changes in this year’s iPhone lineup is the new battery removal process. Instead of the tricky adhesives that have long frustrated repair efforts, Apple has introduced a method that uses a low-voltage electrical current to release the battery. This involves an ionic liquid battery adhesive, which the company claims will make replacing the battery faster and safer than before.


Apple has also redesigned the hardware for Face ID, the tech behind the TrueDepth camera system. The update allows for the camera to be replaced without compromising the phone’s security or privacy.


Further, the company has rolled out a new Repair Assistant tool that enables both customers and repair shops to configure replacement parts, whether new or used, directly on the iPhone itself. This removes the need for external help, making the process more convenient and reducing downtime for users. The iPhone 16 series now includes on-device diagnostics, allowing users to pinpoint which parts need replacing without needing to connect to a second device.


With expanded support for third-party and used parts, the company notes iPhone owners can save on repair costs and minimize electronic waste.




Image: Apple

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