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John Lewis film chronicles 100 years of peering back at shoppers from its windows


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John Lewis has unveiled the first chapter in its festive advertising trilogy, and it's a trip down memory lane! The Window, a 90-second film created by Saatchi & Saatchi, takes viewers on a heartwarming journey through British history, all seen through the iconic lens of a John Lewis shopfront.


The spot fondly looks back to the Roaring Twenties, with flapper dresses and dapper gents setting the scene. As decades fly by, viewers catch glimpses of pivotal moments in British history. One particularly poignant scene reimagines the Oxford Street store’s transformation into a wartime bunker during World War II, a nod to the shop’s resilience during trying times.



The ad also playfully rekindles the swinging ’60s and pokes fun at the skintight fitness craze of the ’80s. Fast-forward to today, and we see high-tech LED face masks taking center stage. These lighthearted moments serve as a reminder of the ability to adapt and reflect the zeitgeist of each era.


The ad closes by reaffirming the “Never Knowingly Undersold” pledge, now updated to include price matching with online giants like Amazon and AO.com.





Image: John Lewis

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