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Flamin' Hot Cheetos you bathe in: the fiery snack is now a brick of soap


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Dr Squatch and Cheetos are spicing up your shower routine with the Flamin’ Hot Bricc Soap, a limited-edition bar that promises to bring some zing to your cleansing regimen.


This bright red soap bar marries the bold, spicy essence of Cheetos’ famous Flamin’ Hot flavor with Dr. Squatch’s dedication to natural, skin-friendly ingredients. The fiery fusion cleanses and invigorates without resorting to harsh chemicals, synthetic fragrances, or artificial preservatives.




Packed with exfoliating power, Flamin’ Hot Bricc is dusted with Cosmetic Sand and Jimmy Red Cornmeal, leaving your skin feeling revitalized and smooth. The invigorating scent, inspired by the beloved snack, features notes of Pink Pepper, Mandarin, and Sriracha, promising a truly awakening shower experience.






A post shared by Markie_devo (@markie_devo)




Images: Dr Squatch

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