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Near 360-View Submarine Sits You In A Bubble As You Dive Into The Deep


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Submersible manufacturer Seamagine has unveiled two new submersibles, the Aurora 90 and Aurora 100. These underwater vessels are designed to allow passengers to witness the enigmatic underwater world up close and personal.

The Aurora 90 can comfortably accommodate up to five passengers, while the Aurora 100 can host up to seven individuals. These aquatic vehicles have a clever seating arrangement beneath a large acrylic window, providing passengers with panoramic views and nearly 360-degree visibility for an immersive experience, which makes you feel like you are sitting in a bubble as you explore the ocean. Possibly, the next closest thing to such an experience would actually be deep-sea diving. But if you don’t have the license or the skill to do so, the Auroras offer an alternative.

The Aurora submersibles have six powerful thrusters, enabling them to explore depths ranging from 328 to 3,280 feet. They are also pretty agile in that they can navigate in all directions at up to three knots. This versatility allows passengers to explore various underwater wonders, from coral reefs to shipwrecks.

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