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Hundreds Of Billboards Turned Into Tents To Provide Shelter After Earthquake


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Life-Saving-Outdoors-Billboards-WundermaImage courtesy of Wunderman Thompson Morocco

In the wake of a devastating earthquake in Morocco’s Marrakech Al Haouz region in September, which claimed over 2,850 lives and left thousands injured, an innovative humanitarian effort emerged. Wunderman Thompson Morocco, in collaboration with the Jood NGO, launched Life-Saving Outdoors, an initiative transforming outdoor billboards into much-needed tents for those left homeless.

The project ingeniously repurposed 4x3 outdoor billboards—made of high-quality thermal fabric—into durable, waterproof, and thermal tents within just 48 hours of the calamity. These makeshift shelters were particularly crucial for residents in remote, mountainous villages who were facing harsh weather conditions without proper housing, providing them with robust and comfortable temporary roofs over their heads.

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