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Bush’s ‘Talking’ Can Opener Serves Up Football Season Inspiration With Beans


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As the football season intensifies with championship games on the horizon, Bush’s Beans is stepping up to add an extra layer of excitement to tailgate parties. To bring both encouragement and a dash of fun to enthusiasts, the company has teamed up with football legend Peyton Manning to introduce a unique product: a talking can opener.

Manning, one of the most well-known names in the sport, is now lending his voice to this innovative can opener, inspiring fans with uplifting and witty “bean-isms” at the press of a button.

The can opener, with Manning’s voice, shares motivational phrases on the fly, such as “when you come to a fork in the road, pick it up, and eat some beans with it,” and encourages consumers to “imagine the beautiful bean possibilities.” These phrases are designed to not only bring a smile to users’ faces but also to inspire culinary creativity for game day meals.

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