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Honda & Seiko Rev Up For A New Watch Inspired By The Super Cub Motorbike


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Two prominent names in their respective industries, Seiko and Honda, have once again come together to create a unique timepiece. This collaboration marks their third joint venture, commemorating the watchmaker’s 55th anniversary of the Seiko 5 Sports model, Honda’s 75th milestone, and the legacy of the Super Cub, which spans over 65 years.

Central to this collaboration is a tribute to the iconic Honda Super Cub C100, which debuted on the roads in 1958. The design of the watch draws inspiration from the distinctive characteristics of the Super Cub, paying homage to its rich history and significant influence on mobility.

The Seiko 5 Sports x Honda Super Cub watch embodies these inspirations. Its 42.5mm stainless steel case captures the essence of the Super Cub C100, while the dial features a blend of dark blue, gray, and white hues, echoing the timeless design language of the iconic motorbike.

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