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Bugatti Unveils An All-Gold Limited-Edition Mistral Supercar


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After Bugatti debuted its Chiron Super Sport ‘Golden Era’ sports car, it’s again back for Monterey Car Week with yet another all-gold offering, the Mistral. 

The new Mistral was developed under Bugatti’s Sur Mesure customization entity. It is a limited creation enveloped entirely in radiant gold paint, from its hood to its wheels. The only untouched areas are the side skirts, rear bumper, and engine cover. Other than that, it almost looks like a roadster graced with Midas’ touch.

The golden Mistral will also be the last car in Bugatti’s lineup to feature a quad-turbo eight-liter (2.1-gallon) W16 engine. Bugatti mixes both gold and black shades for its interior upholstery and consoles.

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