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Robotaxi Companies Given Green Light To Operate Cabs 24/7 In San Francisco


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Google’s Waymo and GM’s Cruise have just secured regulatory approval from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to introduce fare charges for fully driverless rides in San Francisco. The CPUC’s decision, which passed with a majority vote of 3 to 1, marks a pivotal milestone in advancing autonomous transportation services.

Since 2018, Waymo has operated a fleet of 200 autonomous vehicles throughout San Francisco, while in 2022, Cruise popped up onto the scene and currently has 300 cars on its roster. Before the CPUC’s approval, Cruise was restricted to offering fared passenger rides in specific areas between 10 and six a.m. without a safety driver on board. In contrast, Waymo’s operational model allowed them to charge passengers at any time with a safety driver present.

Waymo has also stated that it is ready to start incrementally welcoming new riders to its services, and it apparently has 100,000 people already on its waiting list.

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