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Aston Martin unveils the new Vantage


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The Aston Martin Vantage, a name synonymous with style and performance, has once again made headlines. The latest model, unveiled in February 2024, is being hailed as the most driver-focused and fastest Vantage in the brand’s 74-year history.


Engineered for real drivers, the new Vantage boasts a potent 4.0 V8 Twin Turbo engine, delivering class-leading outputs of 665PS/800Nm. With a perfect 50:50 weight distribution, the car is designed to deliver maximum thrills and driver engagement. The Vantage’s top speed is an impressive 202mph, and it can go from 0-60mph in just 3.4 seconds.


The car’s technical highlights include industry-leading Active Vehicle Dynamics, Bilstein DTX adaptive dampers, an Electronic Rear Differential (E-diff), and AML-specific 21in Michelin Pilot S 5 tyres. The all-new interior architecture and state-of-the-art infotainment system set new standards of quality, style, and sophistication.


The Vantage’s lineage can be traced back to 1950, and the new generation continues this remarkable heritage. The announcement of the new Vantage follows the successful introduction of the acclaimed DB12 Coupe and Volante. Aston Martin’s next generation of sports cars, including the Vantage, reaffirms the brand’s position in the ultra-luxury, performance sports car market.


Deliveries of the new Vantage are scheduled to begin in Q2 2024. With its breathtaking power, razor-sharp handling, and finely-tuned front-engine, rear-wheel drive chassis, the Vantage is set to make a stand for disenfranchised devotees of today’s sports car market.


What are your thoughts on the new Aston Martin Vantage? Do you think it will live up to the legacy of its predecessors and redefine the standards of the sports car market? We’d love to hear your views.



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