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Burger King grills Wendy’s surge-pricing internet beef with free ‘no urge to surge’ burgers

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The fast-food industry is no stranger to competition, but the recent ‘surge pricing’ controversy has taken it to a new level. Wendy’s, a popular fast-food chain, made headlines when it announced plans to introduce dynamic pricing. This model, similar to those used by Uber and Lyft, would allow prices to fluctuate during busy periods. However, this announcement was met with backlash, leading Wendy’s to clarify that surge pricing was not part of their plan.


In the midst of this controversy, Burger King seized the opportunity to troll its competitor. In a clever marketing move, Burger King announced a ‘no urge to surge’ promotion, offering free Whoppers in response to Wendy’s surge pricing news. This promotion, which allowed customers to redeem a free Whopper or vegetarian Impossible Whopper with a purchase of $3 or more, was seen as a direct jab at Wendy’s.



Despite the controversy, some experts believe that variable pricing strategies, like the one proposed by Wendy’s, are the future of dining. These strategies are increasingly being integrated into the digital technology that restaurants use.


This incident has sparked a lively debate about pricing strategies in the fast-food industry. It raises questions about the balance between business profitability and customer satisfaction. As the dust settles on this controversy, one can’t help but wonder: What do you think about dynamic pricing in the fast-food industry? Would it influence where you choose to eat? Share your thoughts below.



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Top image: st.djura / Shutterstock.com

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