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[WATCH] OpenAI unveils the first ‘official’ music video made with Sora

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Image: OpenAI/August Kamp on YouTube


OpenAI has just unveiled the first music video entirely conceived by its AI video generator, Sora. This innovative leap is nothing short of a visual feast, marking a significant milestone in the realm of AI-generated content.


The music video features the song “Worldweight” by independent musician August Kamp. The video, which is available on OpenAI’s official YouTube channel, presents a series of short clips in a wide 8:3 aspect ratio. These clips, showcasing various environments, are coupled with the ambient track to create a uniquely ethereal experience.



Sora, the AI engine behind this creation, is capable of producing multi-shot clips from nothing more than a text prompt. The video for “Worldweight” captures the images that Kamp visualized in her mind while composing the piece. This ability of Sora to translate human imagination into visuals represents a turning point for artists.


However, August Kamp isn’t the only one harnessing Sora for content creation. Media production company Shy Kids also published a short film on YouTube called “Air Head”, which was made using the same AI engine.



OpenAI’s Sora has been described as a level above other AI video generators. With its ability to create longer and more consistent shots, Sora is changing the landscape of AI-generated content. As artificial intelligence continues to grow, it opens up new lanes of artistry, as stated by August Kamp.


How will the widespread adoption of AI like Sora shape the future of filmmaking and entertainment? We invite you to share your thoughts on this intriguing topic.



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