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LinkedIn (officially) launches games to let professionals kill time at work


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LinkedIn, the renowned professional networking platform traditionally known for job listings and career advice, has officially introduced a series of puzzle games. This announcement comes after leaks first surfaced online in March.


The launch features three logic puzzles, namely Queens, Crossclimb, and Pinpoint. These games, designed to test users’ abilities in logic, trivia, and word association, are available globally starting today. Similar to the viral hit Wordle, each game can be played once a day.





The introduction of these games aims to increase user engagement and attract more users. LinkedIn sees these games as a casual way to strengthen existing connections. The games were developed by the LinkedIn News team, signifying a strategic move to expand engagement on its platform.


The games are not just about fun. They are also about connection. As Lakshman Somasundaram, LinkedIn’s Director of Product Management, revealed, “Games are all about connection for us. LinkedIn’s mission has always been to connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.”


The games are now accessible on the LinkedIn Games site and the LinkedIn News section for PC users, as well as on LinkedIn’s My Network tab on PC and mobile. This move by LinkedIn is seen as a strategy to compete with other social media platforms that have cornered the market for younger users.


LinkedIn’s foray into the gaming world marks a significant shift in its strategy. It will be interesting to see how this move impacts user engagement and the platform’s overall growth.




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Images: Lakshman Somasundaram/LinkedIn



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