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OpenAI reportedly disbanded its AI safety team tackling risks of 'human extinction'

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OpenAI has reportedly disbanded its team focused on mitigating long-term AI risks. This decision comes less than a year after the formation of the team, raising questions about the organization’s commitment to AI safety.


The team, known as the “Superalignment” team, was tasked with steering and controlling future AI systems that could potentially lead to human extinction. The dissolution of this team has sparked concerns among industry insiders and observers, as it seems to indicate a shift in OpenAI’s priorities.


The news of the team’s dissolution comes on the heels of the departure of two key OpenAI executives, Ilya Sutskever and Jan Leike. Both were instrumental in leading the safety team. Their departure, coupled with the disbanding of the safety team, has led to speculation about the direction OpenAI is taking.



OpenAI had previously committed to dedicating 20% of its computing power towards long-term safety measures. However, with the dissolution of the safety team, it remains unclear how this commitment will be upheld.


The decision has been met with criticism from some quarters. One team member expressed concern that safety culture and processes have taken a backseat to product development. Leike, on the other hand, stated that much more of the company’s bandwidth should be focused on security, monitoring, preparedness, safety, and societal impact.



As OpenAI navigates these changes, the AI community will be watching closely. The decisions made by OpenAI could have far-reaching implications for the future of AI and its impact on society.



What are your thoughts on OpenAI’s decision to disband its safety team? Do you think this move represents a shift in priorities, or is it a step backwards for AI safety? Share your views in the comments below.



Read more:


Image: Rokas Tenys | Dreamstime.com

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