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Kingdom Hearts series sets sail for Steam this summer


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Game developer Square Enix sets sail for uncharted territory, announcing the long-awaited arrival of the Kingdom Hearts collections on Steam! Dropping anchor on June 13th, 2024, this marks a significant moment for the franchise. 


PC gamers can finally wield the Keyblade, as the series' beloved titles—Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX, Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, and Kingdom Hearts III + Re Mind DLC—make their grand debut on Steam.


This news comes as a delight to fans who've been yearning to revisit these cherished adventures or experience them for the first time. Previously exclusive to the Epic Games Store, this move opens the Kingdom Hearts universe to a broader audience, allowing more gamers to join Sora, Donald, Goofy, and a treasure trove of iconic Disney and Pixar pals on their thrilling escapades.


For those uninitiated in the lore of Kingdom Hearts, it's a unique fusion of action RPGs, weaving the fantastical tapestry of Disney with the captivating realms of Square Enix. Players follow Sora on his epic quest across these vibrant Disney worlds, with Donald Duck and Goofy by his side. The series is renowned for its intricate plot, engaging combat, and the masterful blending of beloved Disney and Square Enix characters. These remastered collections boast stunning high-definition visuals, refined controls, and a beautifully revamped soundtrack, offering an unforgettable experience.


From a groundbreaking approach to world and character fusion to a dynamic blend of action and hack-and-slash gameplay, Kingdom Hearts stands out for its innovative design. This unique fusion keeps players engaged and adds depth to the adventure.


So, are you ready to dive into the intriguing world of Kingdom Hearts? Will you be wielding the Keyblade for the first time, or revisiting cherished memories? With a broader audience on Steam, the future of Kingdom Hearts promises exciting possibilities for both veterans and newcomers alike.



Image: Eh1989ger | Dreamstime.com


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