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Alibaba enlists David Beckham as AliExpress' new Global Brand Ambassador to 'score more' during UEFA EURO 2024 season

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Alibaba’s international e-commerce platform, AliExpress, has enlisted the star power of English football legend, David Beckham This partnership marks the largest global brand ambassador collaboration for AliExpress to date.


This initiative comes as Alibaba intensifies its efforts to bolster its international business, particularly in the face of rapid global expansion by China-based rivals such as PDD Holdings’ Temu and online fashion startup Shein.


AliExpress is not only investing in star power but also in the love of the game. The platform has joined several Chinese companies in sponsoring the UEFA European soccer championship, which commences in mid-June. This sponsorship, coupled with Beckham’s endorsement, is expected to significantly boost the platform’s visibility and customer engagement.


The former England captain’s involvement extends beyond mere promotion. Beckham’s statement highlights that AliExpress aims to bring fans closer to the UEFA EURO 2024™. The platform plans to offer great prizes during the games, including a chance for app users to win tickets.



This partnership is a signal of Alibaba’s aggressive strategy to expand its international footprint. The international unit’s sales surged by 45% year on year in the first three months of 2024, indicating a promising trajectory for Alibaba’s global ambitions.


How will this partnership influence the global e-commerce landscape? Will Beckham’s endorsement give AliExpress the competitive edge it seeks? We invite you to share your thoughts on this development.



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Image: AliExpress/PRNewsWire

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