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Eminem has unveiled his latest single, ‘Houdini’. The music video, released on Friday May 31, is a nostalgic journey that revisits scenes from the iconic ‘Without Me’ video


‘Houdini’ is the first glimpse of Eminem’s forthcoming album, 'The Death of Slim Shady (Coup De Grâce)'. The album, eagerly anticipated by fans, is expected to arrive this summer. The new single has already stirred up excitement and speculation about what the full album will entail.


The music video for ‘Houdini’ is a star-studded affair, featuring cameos from notable figures such as Pete Davidson, 50 Cent, Snoop Dogg, and Dr. Dre. The video serves as a visual treat for fans, blending elements of Eminem’s past with his current artistic direction.



Eminem’s ‘Houdini’ not only references his own past work but also includes mentions of other artists. The lyrics reference Megan Thee Stallion’s 2020 shooting incident, adding a layer of contemporary commentary to the track.


What do you think of this comic-style spectacle? How will Eminem continue to innovate and push boundaries in his upcoming album? Share your thoughts below.



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