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Monsters, SP: Bring home the Monsters of Real Estate

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São Paulo - Brazil faces a real estate epidemic, with towering buildings, pharmacies, and mini-markets replacing houses and green spaces. According to the Municipal Department of Urbanism and Licensing, the city now has more apartments than houses. By 2025, around 168,000 new apartments will have been added, consuming the city's landscape.

MONSTROS SP transforms these colossal constructions into a fun sculpture collection, inviting reflection on the rampant urban development. Inspired by a certain animation company, Marquinhos Cyrelowski doesn't just scare kids; he terrifies neighborhoods with his cranes and excavators that turn memories into gray buildings.


Each piece is priced at R$942, echoing the recent profits of major construction firms. MONSTROS SP is the fifth product by Cleiton, with Marquinhos being the first in a series of three real estate speculation monsters.

This issue isn't unique to São Paulo. Cities like New York face similar challenges with high-rises driving up property prices and displacing residents. In NYC, luxury apartments and skyscrapers have drastically altered neighborhoods, pushing out long-term residents and eroding community fabric. The negative impact on urban landscapes and communities is a global issue, highlighting the urgent need for sustainable urban planning that prioritizes people over profit. MONSTROS SP brings this global conversation to light, using art to question and challenge the trajectory of our cities.






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