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In a thrilling announcement for fans of dystopian literature, Suzanne Collins, the acclaimed author of the Hunger Games series, has revealed plans to publish a fifth installment. The forthcoming novel, titled ‘Sunrise on the Reaping’, is set to hit the shelves on March 18, 2025.


The narrative of ‘Sunrise on the Reaping’, to be published by Scholastic, will transport readers back to the world of Panem, unfolding events 24 years prior to the original Hunger Games. This timeline situates the story 40 years after the events of Collins’ most recent novel, 'The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes’.



Collins’ inspiration for the new novel stems from the philosophical ideas of David Hume, specifically his concept of implicit submission. The author aims to delve deeper into the themes of propaganda and narrative control, making the novel highly relevant in today’s world.


The Hunger Games series has been a global phenomenon, with over 100 million copies sold worldwide. The series has been translated into 54 languages, and its cinematic adaptations have grossed over $3.3 billion globally. With such a massive fanbase, the anticipation for ‘Sunrise on the Reaping’ is palpable.




How will this prequel reshape our understanding of the Hunger Games universe? Share your thoughts and predictions in the comments below.



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Image: Jaguarps | Dreamstime.com

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