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Microsoft Copilot retires GPT Builder feature just three months after release—and will delete all data

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Microsoft has decided to discontinue the GPT Builder feature in its AI-powered tool, Copilot Pro. This decision, set to take effect from July 10, 2024, has sent ripples through the tech community, as it signifies the removal of all Generative Pretrained Transformers (GPTs) created by both Microsoft and its customers.


On its FAQ page, the tech giant has justified this move as a strategic shift to prioritize the refinement of core experiences within Copilot Pro. This implies a focus on enhancing the existing functionalities of the tool, rather than expanding its capabilities. However, this decision has not been well-received by all, especially those who invested time and resources into creating custom GPTs.





The GPT Builder, a feature that was only introduced three months ago, allowed users to create custom versions of the Copilot AI service. With its discontinuation, Microsoft plans to delete all data collected by the GPT Builder, leaving users without access to their custom GPTs after July 10, 2024.


This development follows Microsoft’s announcement in May 2024, where they expressed their intention to slow down advancements in Copilot AI to refine the tool’s existing experiences. This decision, therefore, seems to be a part of Microsoft’s broader strategy to enhance user experience.


Will this strategic shift prove beneficial in the long run, or will it hamper the innovation that stems from grassroots users? We’d love to hear your thoughts on this.



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Image: Mohamed Ahmed Soliman | Dreamstime.com

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