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TikTok rolls out new photo-sharing app Whee (with a logo that reminds us of Meta's Threads)

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TikTok, the popular video-based social media platform, has unveiled its newest creation, ‘Whee’, a photo-sharing app that looks set to compete with Instagram.


The app was quietly introduced on Google Play and the App Store. Unlike TikTok, where posts are visible to all users, Whee offers a more intimate experience. Only friends on the app can view and interact with your posts. This focus on close-knit interactions aims to foster a space for users to express their most authentic selves.


Whee’s features are tailored to enhance the user experience. Users can post photos taken directly through the app or from their phone’s camera roll. To add a creative touch, the app provides in-app photo filters. Interestingly, unlike other platforms, Whee does not require captions for posts. This encourages users to let their photos speak for themselves, fostering a more visual and less text-heavy social media experience.


From the looks of it, Instagram may not be the only social network of Meta that Whee has its eyes on. The appearance of the new app’s cursive logo reminds us of a shorter version of the weaving identity of Meta’s Threads.




Currently, Whee is available in select markets outside the US. Despite its limited availability, the app has already sparked interest among social media enthusiasts. As of now, Whee does not support video content (and captions, according to one user), setting it apart from both TikTok and Instagram.



Will Whee outshine Instagram in the photo-sharing domain? What are your thoughts on this new platform? Share your views in the comments below!




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Top image: Whee / Google Play Store

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  • The title was changed to TikTok rolls out new photo-sharing app Whee (with a logo that reminds us of Meta's Threads)
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Hey, The new app's cursive logo resembles a condensed version of Meta's Threads weaving identity. Whee is currently accessible in select international markets, excluding the US. Despite its limited availability, the app has already generated significant interest among social media enthusiasts.

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