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Mongolia's 2024 Olympics uniforms deserve a 'gold medal' on the runway of Paris


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Image: Mongolia National News Agency


As the world gears up for the Paris 2024 Olympics, one country’s ceremonial attire has captured global attention. Mongolia, known for its rich cultural heritage, has unveiled uniforms that are nothing short of a masterpiece.



Designed by the upcoming Mongolian fashion brand Michel&Amazonka, the uniforms blend tradition and modernity. The intricate-looking outfits are an outstanding showcase of the craftsmanship of the three sisters - Michel, Amazonka, and Munkhjargal Choigaalaa - who helm the brand.





The uniforms have been lauded for their beauty and traditional elements. Netizens have praised Mongolia for green lighting such beautiful outfits for their athletes. The attire has even caught the eye of former American track and field icon, Michael Johnson, who believes that Team Mongolia deserves a gold medal for the attire itself.



However, not everyone is in agreement. Some critics argue that the design is not suitable for summer, highlighting the practical challenges of wearing such intricate attire in the heat. Despite these criticisms, the overall response to Mongolia’s Olympic uniforms has been overwhelmingly positive.


Other countries have also unveiled their official athletic attires. While each country’s uniforms reflect their unique cultural identity, Mongolia’s uniforms have stood out for their exquisite design and intricate detailing.



Will the beauty and elegance of Mongolia’s uniforms translate into stellar performances from their athletes? Which other teams' Olympic uniforms have caught your attention? Share your favorites below!



Read more:


Source: Mongolia National News Agency

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