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8BitDo releases stunning gold & silver controllers for its 11th anniversary

Garth Gator

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For gamers who crave a touch of retro chic with a hefty dose of modern luxury, 8BitDo’s recent release of its gold and silver SN30 Pro controllers is a must-see. Celebrating the company’s 11th anniversary, these limited-edition controllers are a stunning departure from the standard plastic shells. Crafted from zinc-alloy metal, the controllers exude a sense of quality and weight (a hefty 381 grams to be exact).




The metal construction promises not just a premium feel, but also increased durability. However, it's important to note that unlike many of 8BitDo’s offerings, these anniversary editions are wired only, foregoing the wireless functionality that the brand is known for.




Compatibility remains a strong suit, with the gold and silver SN30 Pro, priced at $99.99, being compatible with both Nintendo Switch and Windows PCs. The classic Super Nintendo-inspired layout featuring two analog sticks and a familiar button configuration ensures a comfortable and intuitive gaming experience.






Images: 8BitDo

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