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Analogue's Game Boy-inspired Pocket console now comes in 4 fully Aluminum Editions


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Ditch the plastic nostalgia goggles for a moment. Analogue, known for its retro Pocket handheld consoles with FPGA emulation that allow players to experience classic Game Boy, Game Gear, and other titles on original cartridges, is wheeling out the big guns: Aluminum Editions.




These special editions swap out the standard plastic shell for premium metals. Every piece of the console, from the frame to the buttons, is precision CNC-machined from solid billet 6061 aluminum. This computer-controlled machining process ensures unmatched precision and quality, resulting in a handheld that feels as solid and luxurious as it looks.






The Aluminum Editions, priced at $499.99 each, are available in four distinct finishes—Natural, Noir, Black, and Indigo—so you pick your level of metal. Functionally, they remain identical to their plastic counterparts. This means full compatibility with existing Analogue Pocket accessories and the same stellar FPGA emulation that won over gamers in the first place.









Images: Analogue

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