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Deadpool's Xbox controller is decidedly, er, cheeky—fancy taking a *crack* at it?


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Step aside, Captain America, for there’s a new America’s ass in town. Microsoft has taken gaming eccentricity to a whole new level with a Deadpool-inspired Xbox controller shaped like the Merc with a Mouth’s posterior.


Dubbed the ‘Cheeky Controller’, this unconventional peripheral is as audacious as the antihero it represents. Clad in Deadpool’s iconic red and black suit, the controller boasts a textured grip that mimics the superhero’s physique—with a particularly pronounced focus on the rear.


Just Marvel at those ergonomics.




The controller, said to be “designed by Deadpool,” promises a “firm (yet surprisingly comfortable) grip,” no but(t)s about it.




The collaboration between Xbox and Marvel Studios aims to capture the playful and irreverent spirit of Deadpool ahead of the upcoming Deadpool & Wolverine film’s release on July 26.




The controller is available exclusively through a global sweepstakes, where fans aged 18 and over can enter by following Xbox on social media and reposting the official sweepstakes post. Additionally, the first 1,000 fans to purchase an Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 – Core from the Microsoft store will receive an exclusive Deadpool-themed controller holder.








Images: Xbox Wire

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