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Oddball 'Button Stealer' extension lets you swipe buttons from sites you visit and collect them

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Utility is often a must when it comes to browser extensions. Then there’s ‘Button Stealer’, a Chrome add-on that defies the logic of advertisement blockers, password managers, and grammar checkers that streamline our online experience. Created by developer Anatoly Zenkov, Button Stealer brings a dose of whimsy to web browsing.


As the name suggests, Button Stealer “steals” buttons—one from each website you visit. These aren’t malicious takeovers; the extension simply captures the button’s image and stores it in a personal collection. It’s a lighthearted way to amass a digital archive of the web's ever-evolving call-to-actions, from the ubiquitous ‘Sign Up’ to the more specific ‘Add to Cart’.




While undeniably fun, Button Stealer’s functionality falls squarely in the “useless” category, as its creator readily admits. The buttons themselves are purely visual—clicking them won’t transport you back to the original website. The tool works entirely offline, meaning your browsing data and button collection never leave your device. In an age of online surveillance, this commitment to user privacy is a welcome change.




If wacky extensions are right up your alley, check out ‘Bananabin’, which surrounds your Mac’s trash bin with flies when it gets too full.






Images: Button Stealer

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