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Nudist exhibition in France has visitors stripping down too [NSFW]

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Marseille’s Mucem museum has unveiled a curious exhibition that sheds more than just light. Paradis Naturistes (Naturist Paradises) is not only a visual exploration of the history and philosophy of nudism but also an interactive experience where attendees are encouraged to join the exhibition in the nude, inviting them to immerse fully in the world of naturism and establish a deeper connection to the subject matter.



However, it’s the opportunity to experience the exhibition naked, once a month on a Tuesday, that has captured patrons’ attention. Squeamish guests can still opt to be fully clothed on other days of the month.





The showcase, which runs until December 9, 2024, documents the rise of nudist communities across Europe and the underlying principles that drive this lifestyle choice. Through photographs, documents, and personal testimonies, visitors gain insights into the cultural and social significance of nudism.




A post shared by Mucem (@mucem_officiel)



From the early pioneers in Germany and Switzerland to the flourishing naturist communities in France today, the exhibition offers a comprehensive overview. Through a curated collection of over 600 items, including photographs, films, magazines, and personal belongings, visitors are transported through time, gaining insights into the motivations, challenges, and triumphs of those who embraced nudity as a way of life.




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The exhibition's sunny aesthetic, designed by Lyon agency Trafik, complements the subject matter. The museum emphasizes that it aligns with the core principles of naturism: a return to nature, freedom from societal constraints, and body positivity. It’s a visual spectacle that invites contemplation on the relationship between the human body, nature, and society. While the idea of naturism might evoke strong reactions, this exhibition presents it with a neutral lens, allowing visitors to form their own opinions.



A post shared by Mucem (@mucem_officiel)








Image: Sergii Syzonenko | Dreamstime.com

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