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'Chastity belt' for phones aims to clamp down on porn addiction

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The concept of a chastity belt has been around for centuries, but its latest incarnation is decidedly modern. The Coach, a health app focused on men’s issues, has unveiled a phone chastity belt designed to help users curb porn addiction.


Pornography consumption is a significant issue, especially among young adults. Studies show that 57% of young people regularly seek out X-rated material (monthly or more frequently), with 11% of American men identifying as addicted.


The new device is essentially a lock for your phone, requiring a trusted person to hold the key. Made from metal and leather, the belt is adjustable to fit different phone models and comes in portrait and landscape sizes.




The company is also working on versions for laptops and desktops.




If all goes well, The Coach intends to produce the belts and price them at around $100.




Images: The Coach

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