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Attention BMW drivers! The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has announced a recall impacting over 105,558 BMW sedans and crossover SUVs in the United States. The culprit? A potential issue with the starter motor. Repeatedly trying to start the vehicle can cause the starter motor to overheat due to electrical overload, potentially leading to failure and leaving drivers stranded.


Affected BMW Models

  • X5 Series (certain model years)
  • X7 Series (certain model years)
  • 3 Series (certain model years)
  • 7 Series (certain model years)


What BMW is Doing

To address this issue, BMW will be issuing a software update to rectify the problem. The software update will be free for all affected vehicle owners. Dealers will be responsible for updating the vehicle software, and owner notification letters are expected to be mailed out later in September.


What You Should Do

If you own a BMW sedan or crossover SUV included in the recall, be on the lookout for a notification from your local BMW dealership. In the meantime, you can check your vehicle's VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) on the NHTSA website to confirm if your car is part of the recall.


Staying Safe on the Road

While the risk of starter motor failure may seem minor, it's crucial to address any potential safety concerns with your vehicle. A malfunctioning starter motor can be a major inconvenience, especially if it leaves you stranded in an unfamiliar location. Getting the recommended software update is a quick and easy way to ensure your BMW is operating safely and reliably.


Important Note for X3 Owners

There's also a separate recall specifically for BMW X3 SUVs (model years 2018-2023) due to a potential issue with the interior cargo rails. In a severe rear-end collision, these rails could detach from the vehicle's body, posing a risk to passengers from loose cargo within the cabin. For more information on the X3 cargo rail recall, you can read more about the recall here


By staying informed and taking prompt action on these recalls, you can help ensure your BMW operates safely and minimizes potential road hazards.



Image: Cafebeanz Company | Dreamstime.com

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