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Instagram users are discovering their Notes have struck gold. This Midas touch, it turns out, pays homage to the celebratory spirit surrounding the Paris Olympics.


The social media giant has quietly rolled out a feature that turns ordinary Notes, found in the DM page, into golden nuggets of content when users include specific Olympic-related keywords or emojis, inviting everyone to feel like a champion in their own digital arena.


So what’s the secret to obtaining these mini medallions? Well, you will need to use specific Olympic-themed keywords or emojis.


Try crafting a tiny musing with these terms:


  • Gold
  • Medal
  • Olympics
  • Olympian
  • Podium
  • Victory
  • Goat (yes, even the Greatest of All Time deserves a golden note!)
  • Torch


And don’t forget the relevant emojis:


  • 🏅
  • 🥇
  • 🐐
  • 🔥


The secret feature invites users to cheer on their favorite athletes and share their own golden moments. So, go ahead—compose that heartfelt note, sprinkle it with Olympic magic.



Screenshot: Instagram

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