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'My Insta Personality' AI scrutinizes your Instagram profile to figure you out—and roast you


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Personality quizzes are just one way to find out more about yourself. Oftentimes, it’s important to reflect how you project yourself to the world. But if it’s too hard to see the bigger picture, artificial intelligence might help.


My Insta Personality is a new AI tool designed by Oyale Peter, founder of freelance software development company YalzApp, who was curious if AI could tell him what others thought about his Instagram profile. With few options around, he decided to build his own. The resulting technology analyzes Instagram bios and posts to form an “honest opinion” of how users portray themselves.




Users also get a “roast” and are shown their celebrity lookalike. All in all, it’s a lighthearted evaluation that’s more for laughs than something for career advice.




The tool works best with public profiles. However, if your account is private, it’ll still somewhat work by scanning your bio.


While Peter hasn’t divulged much about how the algorithm works, he explains that the AI looks at “visual elements like colors, themes, and content style” to figure out your “overall vibe.”


Data is cached to “improve user experience, but ensure everything is kept safe and secure,” says the developer.


You can try out My Insta Personality here.





Images: Pavlo I | Dreamstime.com, My Insta Personality

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