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Japan’s All Nippon Airways (ANA) is taking flight safety to new heights with a little help from some pocket-sized monsters with the world’s first in-flight safety video featuring Pokémon characters.




This charming initiative, which took off on August 15, is part of the airline’s Pokémon Air Adventures project, aiming to make your journey as captivating as catching ’em all. An accompanying disembarkation film has also been released in tandem with the instructional video.




Pikachu, for instance, demonstrates how to fasten a seatbelt, while the leek-loving Farfetch’d reminds passengers to place their belongings in the overhead compartment. Familiar faces like Jigglypuff, Mr Mime, Machoke, Machamp, Pichu, and the perpetually confused Psyduck ensure travelers pay attention to crucial safety information.




The nostalgic charm of these beloved characters is sure to captivate passengers of all ages, making safety briefings less of a chore and more of a treat.




Currently, this Poké-tastic experience is exclusive to ANA's specially-themed Pikachu Jet NH and Eevee Jet NH aircraft.


The video comes with Japanese-English narration and subtitles in 18 languages. Moreover, ANA has partnered with the Japanese Federation of the Deaf to incorporate sign language. From Pokémon-themed plane exteriors to special in-flight merchandise, the airline is going all out to make your journey as exciting as the destination itself.







Images: ANA Global Channel

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