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Apple's rumored new iPhone 16 Pro color is flush with ridicule: 'Titanium Turd'

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Leaked images of Apple’s alleged iPhone 16 Pro have stirred up a maelstrom. It seems the Cupertino giant might be digging deep into its color palette, unearthing a hue that's leaving some fans less than golden.


Tech reviewer Sonny Dickson first unveiled a snapshot of what’s purported to be Apple's next-generation smartphone, sporting a “copper” finish that’s been described as “desert titanium.” This tone marks a bold departure from the company's usual spectrum of sleek silvers, pristine whites, midnight blacks, and even rose gold.



The new color choice has certainly polarized opinion. While some are liking its earthy feel, others are less impressed, with disgruntled netizens dubbing the hue with less-than-flattering monikers like “Titanium S**t” or “Titanium Turd.”



What are your thoughts? It’s important to note that these images are still unconfirmed leaks. As with all pre-release rumors, it’s wise to approach this information with a healthy dose of skepticism. 


















Opening image: Ifeelstock | Dreamstime.com

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