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Tesla Cybertrucks are being attacked by raccoons for looking like dumpsters

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Tesla’s Cybertruck becomes an unlikely target for raccoons, with the Trash Pandas mistaking Elon Musk’s futuristic vehicle for their favorite dumpster diving spot.


The incident came to light when a Minnesota family on a camping trip discovered that their Cybertruck, parked at their campsite, had become an object of intense interest for a group of furry garbage collectors. The family returned to find the vehicle’s vault—the enclosed bed of the truck—covered in telltale paw prints, evidence of the nocturnal creatures’ determined attempts to gain entry.



It turns out the pickup truck’s angular, metallic exterior bears an uncanny resemblance to a dumpster—a favored foraging spot for the critters.



Despite their best efforts, however, the raccoons’ foraging expedition was ultimately fruitless. The Cybertruck’s robust construction proved too formidable a challenge for the would-be intruders. While the tonneau cover bore the brunt of the creatures’ curiosity, suffering some damage in the process, the vault itself remained secure.





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