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Image: Pokémon


Get ready to catch, train, and battle once again as the Pokémon Trading Card Game (TCG) makes its debut on mobile devices with Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket. Scheduled for release on October 30, 2024, Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket will be free-to-play on both iOS and Android devices. This exciting development was revealed during the closing ceremony of the 2024 Pokémon World Championships held in Honolulu, Hawaii.


The Pokémon TCG has been a beloved pastime for fans since its debut in 1996. The physical card game has enthralled  enthusiasts with its strategic gameplay and collectible nature. Now, with the introduction of Pokémon TCG Pocket, fans can enjoy the thrill of collecting and battling with Pokémon cards anytime, anywhere on their mobile devices.



While specific details about Pokémon TCG Pocket's features are limited, the game is expected to offer core TCG elements and bring a host of new features that leverage the digital platform:

  • Daily Free Booster Packs: Enjoy the thrill of collecting without breaking the bank with two free booster packs available daily.
  • Immersive Card Art: Explore stunning card artwork in a 3D space, offering a deeper appreciation for the artistry.
  • Nostalgic and New Designs: Collect classic card designs alongside fresh, exclusive artwork.
  • Casual and Competitive Play: Whether you prefer laid-back battles with friends or intense competition, the game caters to all players.
  • Strategic Deck Building: Master the art of deck construction to create powerful combinations and outsmart opponents.


With its highly anticipated release just around the corner, be sure to pre-register for the game on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store . 


The closing ceremony of the 2024 Pokémon World Championships also revealed the much-awaited return of Trainer's Pokémon cards. These special cards, symbolizing the deep bond between Pokémon and Trainer, will be making a comeback in TCG expansions scheduled for 2025.



The return of Trainer's Pokemon cards is exciting news for fans of the trading card game. These powerful cards will bring new strategic possibilities and collectible items to the game. Combined with the upcoming release of the digital version, the Pokémon Trading Card Game is poised for an exciting new era of gameplay and collecting.


Fans, Are you excited about the launch of Pokémon TCG Pocket? What features are you most looking forward to?


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